
Our Story

The emergence of Rainbow Christian Assembly (RCA) is a story on the efficacy
of the grace of God. Tuesday, December 19th, 2000 marked the beginning of
this commission. That Tuesday night service had 53 persons in attendance and was held at the residence of the visionary, Apostle Dave Heman-Ackah.

Within her first year of existence, the church acquired a 7.5 acre property in a
choice location in the city debt free. A feat that was truly a wonder to many and
indicative of God’s finger at work in the ministry.
Over the years, by the leading and help of the Lord, the ministry has experienced
landmark growth and accomplishment.
These notwithstanding, our greatest asset is people and guiding them on the
path to a glorious destiny fulfillment. We are a family of men and women
passionate about the kingdom of God having a resolve to impact our world by
turning it God-ward.
In RCA everyone is not only special but treated specially too because we see
ourselves as heaven’s extension. Our excitement comes from letting the world
see heaven in our eyes, in our touch, our words and deeds.

We are not just another church; we are a select group of men and women connected by a vision – God’s vision.

Apostle Dave Heman-Ackah
He is an Apostle, Pastor, Teacher and Television Minister. He has
devoted his entire life to the propagation of the gospel since God
snatched him out of his childhood goals of becoming a politician
and a statesman.

Apostle Dave is a prolific bible scholar with astounding revelations
on the most confusing subject that most preachers prefer to avoid –
The End time. His bold confrontation on the recklessness and sordid
compromise in pulpits across the land is not only heart warming but
comforting in an age that scripture rightly predicts that folks will not
endure sound doctrine.

So exemplary is his way of life, especially his humility that countless
upcoming preachers desire to be under his spiritual covering and
He is happily married to Pastor Rhoda Heman-Ackah who co-pastors
with him and they are blessed with three grown children and a grandchild.

Ministries and Core Groups

These are the Various Ministries and Core Group within the Church